A stylised globe with reduced opacity as a background image

About us & our attitude

Planet-centric design

We are being called upon to act sustainably: by social conflicts, extreme climatic changes and an ever more closely meshed network at global and local level. For a long time now, it has not just been about us humans, but about the overall structure of spaceship Earth.

To meet these challenges, we develop individual solutions with each of our clients that set a sign of positive change.

Set an example with us
Three triangles overlap and form a fourth triangle in the middle in white
Holistic View
Seven white circles are arranged in a semicircle around a circle with outline and symbolise the seven "Wastes" according to Taiichi Ohno
Waste Reduction
Six white circles are arranged in a circle
Design Thinking
Seven white circles are loosely arranged around the centre of the picture. A white path leads from each of these circles to the centre, culminating in an eighth circle.
Holistic View

Our holistic approach leads to innovative solutions.

As a company, we have the responsibility to develop meaningful added value for our fellow world. In doing so, we always keep three pillars in mind: Planet, Economy, Society. This enables us to save material and immaterial goods - e.g. time, money and nerves - right from the conception stage.

Three triangles "Social", "Environmental" and "Economic" form a fourth triangle "Sustainable Development" through their overlapping.
Waste Reduction

"Waste is not always obvious. Don't hide it, make waste visible!" - Taiichi Ohno

Inspired by Taiichi Ohno's seven types of waste, we are always working to make waste visible. This brings clarity and trust to our cooperation. And this is how we bring projects to a good end.

Design Thinking

Sustainable innovation through a continuous process

Design thinking is more than a process. It is an attitude and a working context at the same time. Variable spaces and an interdisciplinary team are just as important. These conditions and the repetitive process steps increase the innovation potential of the project. And with them the possibility of a long-lasting solution.

The Design Thinking process with "understanding", "observing", "defining perspective", "brainstorming", "prototype" and "testing" are presented. Each of the process steps can be repeated at any point in the process.

We are a team with strong cohesion, complementary disciplines and many years of experience

Let's develop valuable